NAAC Accriditated
Cell and Committee
Press release
Goals Of Our Institute
  1. To develop the potential, academic experience and degree of self reliance and determination to respond with courage and sensitivity to personal and social issues.
  2. To generate among students an awareness to human rights and environmental issues.
  3. To give a new view to the students about national identity and multi culture.
  4. Labs : College can boast of possessing well equipped and self sufficient Science Labs, Psycho Lab, E.T. Lab, etc.
  5. Library : In our Library there are approx. 4000 books of different subjects of M.Ed. & B.Ed. course, Chemistry, Physics, Microbiology and Biotechnology etc.
  6. Reading Room : There is a separate reading room for the students.
Sister Concern
Contact Us
Shiva College Maitri Vihar,
Radhika Nagar, Supela,
Bhilai, Durg (C.G.)
Home   07882295356